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As a creative and experienced UI/UX Designer, I specialize in designing intuitive and user-centered digital experiences. With 4.6 years of diverse experience in UX and UI design, customer experience design, design thinking, product design, and more, I have a passion for delivering impactful and engaging designs that solve real-world problems i completed 110+ Website, 45+ App Design And Developments in last 4.6 Years!.

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  • By Saurabh Mishra
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How to Research UX Design

Clearly outline the goals and objectives of your research. Understand what you want to achieve and how the research will contribute to the overall design process. Define the target audience for your product or service. Create user personas to represent different user groups, considering demographics, behaviors, and motivations.

Gather and review any existing data, analytics, or research related to the project. This could include user feedback, customer support logs, or data from previous iterations.

User Interviews: Conduct one-on-one interviews to gather in-depth insights. Surveys and Questionnaires: Use online surveys to collect quantitative data from a larger audience. Observational Studies: Observe users in their natural environment to understand their behaviors. Usability Testing: Evaluate the usability of your product by observing users as they interact with it. Card Sorting: Assess how users categorize information to inform information architecture..

evelop a detailed plan outlining the research process, including timelines, participant recruitment methods, and data collection techniques. Identify and recruit participants who match your target user personas. Ensure diversity to capture a broad range of perspectives.

By Saurabh Mishra


Analyzing financial

Execute the chosen research methods, whether it's conducting interviews, usability testing, or other activities. Record and document findings systematically. Analyze the collected data to identify patterns, trends, and insights. Use qualitative and quantitative analysis methods as appropriate.

Derive meaningful insights from the data and translate them into actionable design recommendations. Focus on understanding user pain points, motivations, and preferences.

By Stanio lainto

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