
About us

As a creative and experienced UI/UX Designer, I specialize in designing intuitive and user-centered digital experiences. With 4.6 years of diverse experience in UX and UI design, customer experience design, design thinking, product design, and more, I have a passion for delivering impactful and engaging designs that solve real-world problems i completed 110+ Website, 45+ App Design And Developments in last 4.6 Years!.

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  • By Saurabh Mishra
  • Standard

UI/UX Case Study step by step

Client: Wanderlust Adventures (fictional) Objective: Improve the user experience and interface design of the travel website to increase user engagement and booking conversions.

Developed user personas based on the research findings, representing different traveler segments (e.g., adventure seekers, family vacationers, business travelers). Information Architecture: Created a new sitemap to reorganize content and improve navigation. Defined clear user flows for common tasks such as searching for destinations, browsing packages, and making bookings.

Developed low-fidelity wireframes using tools like Balsamiq to outline the basic structure of key pages (homepage, destination pages, booking process). Used InVision to create interactive prototypes, allowing stakeholders to experience the proposed changes. Conducted usability tests with potential users to gather feedback on the prototype.

Developed a style guide with a fresh color scheme, modern typography, and travel-inspired imagery. Applied the new design elements to the wireframes, creating high-fidelity mockups using Sketch or Adobe XD. Conducted usability tests with the high-fidelity prototypes to identify any issues in the visual design or user interaction. Gathered feedback on the clarity of calls-to-action, navigation labels, and overall aesthetics.

By Saurabh Mishra


Analyzing financial

Incorporated feedback from usability testing into the design, making adjustments to enhance the user experience. Collaborated with the development team to ensure the feasibility of design implementation.

Prepared design specifications and assets for developers. Worked closely with the development team to address any questions or challenges during the implementation phase.

By Stanio lainto

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